SCIENCE BASED TARGETS: Stratigec Road Map to Fighting Global Warming.
As the world is racing to limit the global temperature rise to well-below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C, the need to draw a roadmap that unites the world’s efforts and initiatives in a clear systematic path is very important. In the last few years, the name Science-Based Targets initiatives (SBTi) shined as the savior for the climate crisis.
What is Science-Based Targets?
The idea of SBTs started back in 2014 when the Science-Based Target initiative was established, the initiative is a collaboration between CDP, UN Global Compact, WRI and WWF. All of these entities had a vision of raising the climate ambition in the corporate sector by driving the adoption of climate targets in line with best-practice and with science. The result of collaboration of all of these entities and the climate change vision they shared was SBT, which was considered in the beginning as a promising concept supported by strong academic research and real-world application among pioneering companies.
Science-Based Targets (SBTs) are one of the methodologies concerned with providing a robust roadmap for entities and corporates to significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, helping prevent the worst impacts of climate change and future-proof business growth. Named as “science-based” to indicate their alignment with the climate science detailed in the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. The SBTs in themselves are not simply a target to be achieved, they have deeper meanings behind them including:
How to set an SBT?
Both the private and public sector’s play a vital role in reducing GHG emissions, so how can their companies set a science-based target? In general companies must follow a 5-Step business guide which provides a comprehensive guidance for the criteria of setting SBTs, the main steps of this guide are as follows:
Showing the intent of the company in joining by using the SBTi platform to submit a commitment letter, the commitment qualifies the company to be featured on the SBTi website. Within a 24 months timeframe the joining company must finalize and submit its targets to SBTi, otherwise it will be disqualified.
2. Develop your targets in line with the science-based criteria
The company will be responsible for crafting aligned targets with the SBTi’s criteria by utilizing the SBTi’s tools. Usually, companies should start with the “Getting Started Guide”, as they progress in drafting their targets, they can dive deeper by using the “SBTi Criteria” guide. This guide provides tools to finely tune the company’s targets.
3. Submit your targets for validation
The submitted targets undergo a validation process, the SBTi’s experts review and validate the submitted targets. Also, they provide detailed feedback for the targets if it was needed.
4. Communicate your targets and involve your stakeholders
After the SBTi’s approval, the company can announce its targets to the stakeholders, the targets will be listed on the SBTi and their partners websites. There is also a guidance pack to help the companies build their communication and publication strategies.
5. Disclose your progress
The companies are required to disclose their emissions yearly and monitor their progression towards achieving the announced targets.